Kathy – Lancaster, Pennsylvania

By Solar United Neighbors on June 13, 2024

I did it in part to make a statement.

Kathy – Lancaster, PA

Lancaster County Solar Co-op

System size: 3.65 kW

Why did you want to go solar? 

I did it in part to make a statement since I’m involved in climate change advocacy groups. I have gas heat, which eventually I’d like to get rid of and replace it with an electric heat pump. But I just wanted to start with going solar. I just retired in October and felt like it was a good time for me. I’m really glad I did it! 

I enjoy talking to neighbors, and people walking by, about the benefits of solar.

Did you have any barriers to overcome when going solar? 

I had to get a new roof about a year before going solar. I decided I should probably do that before putting panels on. 

Did the co-op help you in going solar? 

Yes! I went to some of the informational sessions and watched some of the videos. It was a good educational resource for me.  

Would you recommend the co-op to others in the future? 

Definitely. It was really helpful to be part of that. I felt like I had some support. It’s a big step to make, but it wasn’t too big. With the tax incentives, it just made sense for me to do it now and not wait.