Carol – Houston Texas
- Stories

Dori in Houston was very helpful in answering questions during the installation and getting the system set up and operational.
Carol – Houston, TX
2022 Houston Solar Co-op
Why did you decide to go solar?
Solar United Neighbors had a good history in Houston, TX. |
Did anything surprise you about the process of going solar?
Getting the solar system, with batteries, installed and operational was much more involved, and took a lot more time, than I expected.
Why did you choose to go solar with Solar United Neighbors?
Our local Houston Sierra Club has been affiliated with Solar United Neighbors in Houston for several years.
What benefits did you experience going solar with a co-op?
Dori in Houston was very helpful in answering questions during the installation and getting the system set up and operational.
Do you have any data about your solar system performance? What electricity savings have you seen since going solar?
Two electric bills of zero so far!
What advice would you give to someone considering going solar?
Consider your age and how long you plan to live in the house with the solar panels. At my age (77), I’m realizing that I need to downsize and have less physical maintenance of a house, so will sell my house in less than 3 years after installing the solar panels. The house with solar panels will last much longer than I will live in the house. If I had it to do over again, I would not consider having solar panels installed at my age and physical ability. |
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