We help Texans go solar, join together, and fight for their energy rights.

About solar in Texas
Texas is a national leader in solar energy. However, the state’s unique energy market can make it hard for many Texans to benefit. Solar United Neighbors helps you understand how you can go solar and fight for your right to earn fair credit.
More rooftop solar benefits everyone. Winter Storm Uri and Hurricane Harvey were terrible events that highlighted the value of an electric system that allows people to take control of where their energy comes from. Together, we’re making this happen.
Our impact in Texas
Texas families helped go solar
Texans advised on the best energy plan for their family
$21 million
Amount of lifetime solar savings

Going solar with a group is rewarding […] and it builds an ever-growing solar community.
Local resources
Going solar in Texas doesn’t have to be complicated! Read through these resources to be an informed consumer.
How to earn fair credit for the solar you generate
Fair solar credit
Texas’ unique energy market can complicate the process of going solar. We’ll walk you through what you need to know.
Going solar if you live in an HOA
Protect your solar rights
Texas law protects homeowners who want to go solar. Learn how to overcome HOA hurdles.
Financing your solar investment
Ways to pay for solar
You have several options to finance your solar system in Texas. We’ll walk you through them.
Go Solar
Go solar individually or in a group
Get Involved

Attend an event
Learn more about going solar, policy, and how you can get involved. We host social and informative events nationwide and in Texas.
Contact us
Have a question about solar? Want to get involved? Let us know.
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Fight for your solar rights.
Everyone has the right to go solar. Spread the sunshine nationwide and in your local community by taking action, joining events, and more.