Miami-Dade 2025 Solar Co-op



to new members

May 31, 2025

last day to join the co-op


Para obtener información en español, haga clic aquí.

Imagine walking into a solar company’s office with 50 or 100 of your neighbors and saying, “We all want to get solar. What kind of deal can you give us?”

That’s a solar co-op!

In fact, it’s even better than that. In addition to competitive pricing on solar panels, you get:

  • Info to help you understand solar. Our vendor-neutral solar experts are here to help you understand how solar works and make the best decision for your energy needs.
  • A direct line to ask specific questions. You can call or email us anytime you need help. We’ll be here now and long after you install solar.
  • A team that solicits and reviews proposals from solar companies. First, Solar United Neighbors requests bids on your behalf. Then, a committee of your fellow co-op members meet to assess the pros and cons and select the best installer for the group. (Note: If that sounds interesting to you, you’re also welcome to join the selection committee!)
  • Community. You’ll join the growing solar movement. You’ll have a built-in network of support and inspiration from others who, like you, are taking a stand for energy freedom and advancing the clean energy economy.
  • A bigger impact! Going solar creates jobs, and puts energy production and its benefits back in the hands of the people and contributes to cleaner air and water for everyone. A solar co-op amplifies those outcomes exponentially.

Solar United Neighbors Is Here To Provide Unbiased Guidance And Help Finding That Ideal Solar Company

Exploring new technology can be very stressful when you search for solutions that will help you save money, live more comfortably, and take steps that will help to protect the planet for future generations. It sounds like a huge responsibility and one that requires some expert assistance. Sadly, many people who are researching solar companies find that the information they gather is more about advertising a specific company, product, or service than general education about the opportunities that can provide the clean and affordable power they want and need.

Fortunately, Solar Untied Neighbors is not affiliated with any company or brand of equipment. Instead, we are here to help communities and residents like those in Miami-Dade County learn about solar options that are good for them and the environment. Our experienced staff is ready to answer your questions and offer our professional evaluation of solar possibilities that you could be considering. In addition, we want to introduce everyone to the opportunity to become a part of a solar co-op. It lets everyone become a part of the solar movement, even if you are not able to have solar equipment installed at your current home or business. If you are ready to learn and benefit from affordable power that is safe for the planet, we are ready to share our knowledge with you!

Watch the video below to learn more about our solar co-op process and its benefits, or view our FAQs.

Consulta nuestro FAQ para más información sobre la tecnología solar y el proceso de comprar e instalar su sistema solar.

How does a co-op work?

Can’t make our info session?

Watch a recorded session for general information on solar, how co-ops work, and what to expect if you join.



Save Money with a Solar Co-op

If you want to save money on the cost of going solar and benefit from reduced utility costs, you can join a solar co-op. Bring your friends and neighbors onboard and work together as a team. As part of a solar co-op, you can get the best bids for installation of solar panels. Solar United is here to help.

Find the Best Installer at the Best Price

Solar companies have to manage costs when bidding for an installation project. Recruiting homeowners to go solar and answering questions about the benefits of solar power can add to their costs. When they work with a co-op, they can provide a better bid because they don’t have to factor in these costs.

A committee in the solar co-op will evaluate bids and choose the most competitive one based on the needs of the group. Solar United Neighbors is a vendor neutral non-profit that works with the committee to answer questions and guide them in their decision making.

Solar Installation with Less Cost and Stress

Because the committee takes care of the legwork, you don’t have to handle all the details of installation. We work with the group on local policies regarding solar power, help you find financing, and educate members on solar energy. You don’t have to pay to be part of the co-op, but you can enjoy the benefits.

Learn more about how starting a solar co-op can help you save money. Talk to Solar United to learn more about the process.

Featured Partners

Cost & Savings

Cost & Savings

Average Florida solar co-op pricing ($2.49/watt)$9,960$19,920$29,880
30% Federal tax credit-$2,988-$5,976-$8,964
Net Cost$6,972$13,944$20,916
Estimated year 1electricity savings*$889$1,777$2,666
Estimated year 10 electricity savings (cumulative)*$9,506$19,012$28,518
Estimated lifetime savings (25 years)*$26,680$53,361$80,041
Net Profit$19,708$39,417$59,125
*2% electricity price increase per year, 15.0 cents/kWh electricity rate, -0.5% panel degradation per year, 1,481 yearly production per 1kW of solar
Home equity line of credit 10 year
15 year
10 year
15 year
10 year
15 year
Monthly Loan payment$83
Monthly electric savings**$74
Net monthly payment$9
Net Profit (25 years) $16,800
**Home equity line of credit, interest rate 7.49%, 30% down (then take the tax credit) **Reflects year one average savings – savings will grow each year as avoided utility electricity costs increase


Miami-Dade 2024 Solar Co-op selects Cutler Bay Solar Solutions to serve group

The Miami-Dade 2024 Solar Co-op has selected Cutler Bay Solar Solutions to install solar panels for the 35-member group. Co-op members selected Cutler Bay Solar Solutions through a competitive bidding process…

Read More

Miami-Dade 2024 Solar Co-op issues RFP

The 26-member Miami-Dade 2024 Solar Co-op issued a request for proposals (RFP) from area solar installers. The group members created the co-op to save money and make going solar easier,…

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Florida Solar 101 (Opens in a new tab)

Florida Solar 101

Learn about solar energy and its benefits for your home, or small business. Solar United Neighbors a nonprofit which is both installer and vendor neutral will take you through the…
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EDT Community Event, Virtual Florida
Florida Solar 101 (Virtual) (Opens in a new tab)

Florida Solar 101 (Virtual)

Learn about solar energy and its benefits for your home, or small business. We’ll take you through the technology, economics, financing and more. This presentation from the experts at Solar…
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm EDT Solar 101, Virtual Florida
Income Based Assistance

Income Based Assistance

Miami-Dade County has been awarded an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant, with Solar United Neighbors as a subgrantee in order to provide no cost solar systems to a very limited number of income-qualified homeowners in the Miami-Dade 2024 Solar Co- op.

To be considered for this program, you must be:

  • Resident in Miami-Dade County
  • Household income at or below 120% Area Median Income
  • Own and occupy the home as a primary residence
  • Roof of the home is 5 years or newer and does not need repairs

Space is very limited; not everyone who is qualified will be selected.
More information here:



Contact Us

This co-op is funded by Miami-Dade County and the Leon Lowenstein Foundation.

Contact us

Laura Tellez

Associate Florida Program Director
Solar United Neighbors

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