News > Michigan homeowner proudly produces renewable energy

Michigan homeowner proudly produces renewable energy

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Brian Hayden of Ann Arbor, Michigan, has worked in the solar industry since 2009. For years, he wanted to go solar himself but felt challenged by the upfront costs. That changed when the opportunity to receive a group discount through Ann Arbor’s Solarize campaign and a 30 percent federal tax credit tipped the scales. With the help of these incentives, he installed a 7.5-kilowatt system in 2022.

“The 30 percent federal tax credit was definitely a difference maker,” Brian said. As an industry professional, he knew what solar would offer him, but the incentives made it possible. Now that his system is up and running, he continues to see the benefits. “Our electricity costs go up every year, so that makes the solar investment look better and better every time that happens,” he said.

Producing his own power was just step one. “I am excited about electrification,” Brian said. He plans on buying an electric vehicle (EV) that he’ll charge with the energy produced by his solar panels. The EV will also connect to his house and serve as backup power in case of a power outage. As the owner of an older home, a new hybrid heat pump is in the cards too. These efficiency and electrification upgrades will be eligible for federal rebates made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

As more homeowners become interested in solar, Brian feels education and transparency are important. “It is exciting to own a source of power that you can do so much with. So I highly recommend [it],” he said.

Brian leaned on resources provided by the city of Ann Arbor to help inform his decision to go solar. Local expertise was valuable, as energy production and interconnection processes vary depending on where you live.

Brian recommends others seek guidance from local municipalities and nonprofit organizations, like Solar United Neighbors, for help in assessing solar for themselves. “You should figure out what makes sense to do for your house or for your car and then go find all the incentives you possibly can to make it a no-brainer,” he said. “Producing clean energy on-site and using it is incredible. It is an amazing investment, and it is really empowering.”

If you’d like to learn more about going solar and how you can take advantage of incentives, download SUN’s Go Solar guide.

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