News > Lisa Valentine – MI

Lisa Valentine – MI

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Lisa Valentine – MI

By: Gabe Hutchison

Michigan homeowners like Lisa Valentine are the beneficiaries of federal investment in solar. Through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Lisa can now access the benefits of distributed renewable energy.

Since purchasing her home off Saginaw Bay in Tuscola County, Michigan, Lisa has steadily made a series of energy efficiency upgrades. To replace her unvented propane heaters, she installed heat pumps and mini-splits, which run on electricity to heat and cool her home. The transition reduced her reliance on liquid propane, but translated to higher electric bills from the utility company. These rising costs prompted an interest in going solar.

“I was intrigued because nobody likes their electric bill. Nobody likes to pay the utility company,” said Lisa. “So I was interested in getting my bill down and reducing my out-of-pocket costs for electrical use at home.”

In 2022, the IRA extended and increased the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which was due to sunset. Through the ITC homeowners can save up to 30 percent on the cost of a residential solar system. Aided by this incentive, Lisa installed a 14.4-kilowatt roof-mounted array on her home. She applied the tax credit over two years to secure the maximum benefit—about $12,000 in savings.

Since going solar, Lisa has added additional mini-splits to shield her house from the chill that comes off Lake Huron. Now that she owns her own source of power, she’s insulated from rising electricity rates and unpredictable energy costs. This allows her to fully benefit from all the upgrades she’s made, without worrying about higher utility bills. “I was just glad I could do something to reduce my energy costs and make an investment in my home,” Lisa said. 

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