D.C. Go Solar Group

Group of DC residents holding signs about going solar

Considering solar but not sure where to start? We can help.

💵 How much does solar cost and is it worth it for me?
👷🏽‍♀️ How do I know which installer to use?
⚡️ What happens if I make more energy than I use?
📝 What should I look for in a proposal and what questions should I be asking?

There’s a lot of information out there about solar, but it’s not always clear where to start, or even what to trust.

That’s why people turn to Solar United Neighbors. We’re a vendor-neutral nonprofit with expertise not only in solar energy but in the specific ins and outs of going solar in D.C.

We’ve helped more than 600 D.C. homeowners go solar — and counting!

“Going solar is a fairly significant decision – so it is good to have a ‘support group’ that has your back when needed. It is also good to be among peers who are in the same boat as you!” – Maileen V., Washington, DC

We can help you, too! Sign up now to join the D.C. Go Solar Group.

I’d like to join the group!

Want to see what content is included? We also have a video on our Go Solar Group + solar technology, incentives, and economics.

How does it work?

You may know us for our solar co-ops but this is something different.

Think of this group as not only a network for resources and support from peers, but also a personal coach for going solar.

We’ll give you the tools you need and be there to answer any questions that come up throughout the process. And you’ll have the support of a group of fellow D.C. homeowners who are going solar too!

Who should join?

Anyone in Washington, D.C. who’s considering going solar and wants to learn more. If you could use some extra guidance or motivation, the D.C. Go Solar Group is for you!

“It was a great help to have the Solar United Neighbors team review three solar energy proposals for us. Thanks to their help, we knew the right questions to ask and the details that we should dig into. The Solar United Neighbors team were able to negotiate better terms with our preferred installer. When we signed the paperwork with our installer, we felt confident that we were making the right choice. We are very grateful to you and your colleagues.” – Susanna & Nate, Washington, DC

“[Solar United Neighbors] provided a wealth of information about solar systems; the cost and financing options; and, most important, the net-metering and solar credits, which is a great incentive in D.C. metro area.” – Gigi Mathews

For a one-time cost of $85, you’ll receive:

    • Timely guidance and resources 👨🏻‍💻 from our team of solar experts. We’ll be there for you every step of the way—from learning how solar works to having panels installed (and beyond that too!). We’ll share what you need to know, when you need to know it-all in one convenient place.
    • A detailed proposal review 📝. We’ll look at up to three proposals from solar installers of your choosing. We’ll help you understand the jargon and clarify the pros and cons, so you can make a confident and informed decision.
    • Peer support 👬 in our members-only forum. Ask questions and share information with others who are going or have gone solar in D.C.
    • Access to our new Solar Owner’s Manual 📘. Trust us, it’ll come in handy once you’re a proud solar energy producer!
    • A one-year membership 🗓 with Solar United Neighbors that also includes further resources, solar updates, and ways to stay connected with fellow solar supporters in your area.

This group is open to new members!

I’d like to join the group!

“8 weeks to solar ready” content includes:

  • Week 1 – Learn the Basics
    • Day 1 – Join the group, meet your group members, say hello
    • Day 2 – Financing solar
    • Day 3 – Economics & incentives for solar
    • Day 4 – Solar technology, warranties, etc.
    • Day 5 – Net Metering explained
    • Day 6 – Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs)
    • Day 7 – Week 1 wrap-up
  • Week 2 – Battery technology, connecting with your community
  • Week 3 – Find installers, ask the right questions, and get proposals
  • Week 4 – Getting proposals and bonus content
  • Week 5 – How to review and compare proposals
  • Week 6 – Proposal comparison services & group support
  • Week 7 – Proposal comparison services & group support
  • Week 8 – What to expect during installation and beyond
  • Ongoing and follow-up support throughout project completion including:
    • Online question and answer sessions
    • Access to our new Solar Owner’s Manual
    • Optional, custom “Solar array mileage sticker”
    • Survey/feedback opportunities