
Browse our list of resources to learn more about going solar and solar policy — nationwide or locally in your area.

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Solar + storage in D.C.

Solar + storage in D.C.

What is solar + battery storage? Solar systems with battery backup can provide individuals and communities with much needed resiliency in the face of natural disasters. Progress in D.C. The…
Man holding a sign that reads "We went solar" standing next to battery storage unit on the side of a house.
Electric Vehicles in D.C.

Electric Vehicles in D.C.

Why electric vehicles and solar? Electric vehicles (EVs) are quickly becoming a more affordable and lower maintenance option than traditional gasoline or diesel-fueled cars. EVs and solar in D.C. Electric…
Grid reform in D.C.

Grid reform in D.C.

What is grid reform? The way we produce and deliver electricity is changing. Distributed solar energy and other renewables are pushing changes to our electrical grids and the rules that…
Community solar in D.C.

Community solar in D.C.

What is community solar? Hundreds of D.C. homeowners have put solar on their homes. But what about those who live in apartment buildings or whose roofs can’t support solar panels?…

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