Bowman & Landes Turkey Farm – New Carlisle, Ohio

Bowman & Landes: Pioneering Solar-Powered Agriculture in Ohio

Nestled in the heart of Ohio’s agricultural landscape, Bowman & Landes stands as a beacon of sustainability in the farming community. Led by Drew Bowman, the third-generation steward of this family-owned turkey farm, their commitment to environmental stewardship dates back to their establishment in 1948.

Championing a philosophy of sustainable farming, Bowman & Landes has garnered widespread recognition for their eco-friendly practices. Awards such as the Miami County Soil & Water Cooperator of the Year and the Ohio Environmental Stewardship Award for Poultry bear testament to their dedication to minimizing their carbon footprint.

In their relentless pursuit of sustainability, Bowman & Landes has embraced innovative technologies, with a particular focus on solar energy. Through a series of energy efficiency initiatives and renewable energy projects, including the installation of LED lighting and the conversion to electric-powered equipment, the farm has significantly reduced its reliance on conventional energy sources.

A pivotal moment came in 2020 when Bowman & Landes received a $59,900 REAP award, enabling them to install a cutting-edge 220 kW solar array. This addition, alongside their existing solar infrastructure, now provides a staggering 50% of the farm’s annual energy needs for both turkey harvesting and meat processing facilities. Not only has this transition to solar power slashed operating costs by $25,000 per year, but it has also allowed the farm to capitalize on excess energy by selling it back to the grid.

Inspired by the success of their solar endeavors, Bowman & Landes have explored innovative practices such as “agrivoltaics,” integrating solar arrays with grazing fields to provide shade for their free-range turkeys while simultaneously generating renewable energy.

Looking to the future, Bowman & Landes remain steadfast in their commitment to renewable energy. With Ohio’s expanding utility-scale solar capacity, they see boundless opportunities to further their sustainability goals. Drew Bowman encapsulates this vision succinctly, stating, “Renewable energy is the future. The advancements in solar technology have made it increasingly competitive, and we’re excited to continue pioneering sustainable agriculture in Ohio.”