Solar Profile: Derek Grozio

By Ben Delman on January 31, 2017
Derek Grozio presenting co-op info
Derek Grozio presenting co-op info

Derek Grozio is the proud owner of a 37-panel 9.62 kW system. It was installed in the spring of 2015. Lowering his energy use has been a long-term project for his family. They moved into their first home in 2009 and immediately began energy upgrades. This allowed them to significantly cut their electric bills. Solar panels were on the to-do list of upgrades.

“Due to new additions to our family, we moved two years ago and had to start the process (of energy upgrades) all over again,” Grozio said.

Solar was still on the list of things to do. Grozio said he was interested in do-it-yourself solar packages when the opportunity for the co-op came along. Grozio liked the idea of working with fellow community members to go solar together to support multiple solar installations. He also liked the price.

“When the installer quoted a price inclusive of installation I was shocked, since it was less per watt than I was looking at for DIY panels that I would have had to install myself!” Grozio said.

Grozio said his system, combined with energy efficiency improvements have cut his utility bill by more than half. He’s eager to help educate other about solar. He’s spoken with friends and family members about going solar, helping them through the ‘whys’ and ‘what’s the benefit’ of doing so.

“If you are interested in going solar and reading this, do what you can to spread the word!” Grozio said.