February Articles Club

DC Solar & EV Co-op Info Session#3

Learn about solar energy and its benefits for your home or small business. We'll take you through technology, economics, financing, and more. You'll also learn about the solar co-op we launched. The co-op is free to join and members are *not* obligated to buy solar panels. Co-op members get: • a free review of your […]

Maryland Co-op Info Session#5

This will be the final Info Session before this Co-op closes, and your last chance to join and learn about solar energy and its benefits for your home, or small business. We'll take you through technology, economics, financing, and more. You'll also learn about the solar co-op we launched. The co-op is free to join […]

El Poder Del Pueblo Movie Screening and Q&A

El poder del pueblo: una lucha colectiva por la vida y el medioambiente (The Power of the People: A Collective Struggle for Life and the Environment) features the experiences of Jobos Bay residents in southeastern Puerto Rico. Community members strive to live good lives, while resisting the ongoing toxic assault caused by power plants and […]

Northwest Solar Co-op information session

Join us to learn about solar technology, financing, and the co-op process. This will be the final information session for the Northwest Solar Co-op. 

Arlington Solar & EV Co-op Info Session#5

Learn about solar energy and its benefits for your home or small business. We'll take you through technology, economics, financing, and more. You'll also learn about the solar co-op we launched. The co-op is free to join and members are *not* obligated to buy solar panels. Co-op members get: • a free review of your […]

Indiana Solar Action Team Meeting

The Indiana Solar Action Team meets monthly to discuss solar policy and ways we can take action. This meeting is open to all. Please don’t hesitate to contact Zach Schalk, Indiana Program Director, with questions at inteam@solarunitedneighbors.org.

Arizona Community Solar Lunch & Learn

Grab your lunch and join Solar United Neighbors to learn about the potential for community solar in Arizona! You will hear from experts in the field including speakers from SUN, AriSEIA, Vote Solar and the Coalition for Community Solar Access. You will also gain an understanding of community solar basics, learn about local benefits, and […]

D.C. Solar Action Team Meeting

Join fellow solar supporters throughout the District! We gather every fourth Thursday of the month to discuss solar in D.C. and how we can take action to support pro-solar initiatives. Please don’t hesitate to contact our D.C. team with questions at dcteam@solarunitedneighbors.org.

A big win for solar! What does it mean?

Virtual Event Virtual Event

When solar supporters join together, we win! The latest example comes from the halls of Congress. The newly passed Inflation Reduction Act includes several provisions that will make it easier […]

West Virginia Farmers and Landowners for Energy Freedom

Our vision is for an energy system where West Virginians have the freedom to invest in, and benefit from, locally-owned renewable energy to reduce energy bills and increase energy security and resiliency. Join West Virginians for Energy Freedom on Wednesday, August 24th to learn about community solar, its benefits, and actions you can take to […]

Río Piedras – Sesión informativa de energía solar (8/30/22)

el Club de Tennis El Paraiso 167 Calle Ganges, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

Conozca sobre la energía solar y los beneficios para su hogar o pequeño negocio. Le orientaremos sobre la tecnología, costos, financiación y más. También, conocerá sobre el grupo de compra colectiva solar que acabamos de lanzar. La membresía del grupo de compra colectiva es gratis y los miembros *no* están obligados a comprar sistemas solares. […]