Dustin – Mountville, Pennsylvania

By Solar United Neighbors on June 13, 2024

That’s why I really liked dealing with the co-op, because it was just a flat rate. I didn’t have to do any bargaining or negotiating. 

Dustin – Mountville, PA

Lancaster County Solar Co-op

System size: 15.96 kW

Was the co-op helpful in your journey to go solar? 

Yes, this worked out great for me! I saw something about the co-op on the news, so I knew about it, but wasn’t sure how it would work. Then my friend joined and told me about it. That really increased my comfort level. The background information on the website was really helpful.  

Seeing other homes with solar made me more comfortable going solar. Friends of ours did it a few years back and they were really happy. 

Did you have barriers to going solar? 

I had a few very scammy solar installers get in touch with me, some from door knocking. I don’t like to play the sales game, but their quote was just crushed by the co-op pricing. The co-op was 20% less than what they were offering. When I told him that, he offered to reduce their price to below the co-op price. I was insulted that there was that much profit on their quote!  

That’s why I really liked dealing with the co-op, because it was just a flat rate. I didn’t have to do any bargaining or negotiating. 

Have you started seeing savings yet? 

Yes! Our first two bills came through, and we are saving! Our goal was that in the summertime to completely get rid of our electric bill, and we’ve done that.  

Why did you want to go solar in the first place? 

Well, there’s the rising cost of energy. If you’re environmentally minded, it’s the right thing to do. But mainly it was a financial decision. If I can invest in this house in the future, that’s what I want to do.