Hundreds rally to stop Exelon

By Ben Delman on September 18, 2015

Yesterday, more than 200 D.C. Residents rallied to ask Mayor Bowser not to settle with Exelon. They were joined by Councilmembers Mary Cheh, Charles Allen and Elissa Silverman, as well as several ANC Commissioners, business leaders, and community activists.

Rally speakers made the point that there is no deal the city could make with Exelon that benefits District residents. They cited the Public Service Commission’s unanimous rejection of Exelon’s attempt to take over Pepco because it is not in the public interest. They urged Mayor Bowser to respect the commission’s decision as well as the wishes of a majority of D.C. residents who oppose this bad deal.

At the end of the rally, attendees signed a banner personally asking Mayor Bowser not to settle a deal with Exelon. Check out the great pictures from the rally. Thank you to all who attended.