Virginia 2024 Legislative Session Recap

The 2024 legislative session has officially come to a close in Virginia! Solar United Neighbors (SUN) tracked eight solar-related bills. This marked the first session for our Virginia Program Director, Brandon Praileau. Brandon joined the team in January and hit the ground running in support of pro-solar policy.  He advocated…

Solar supporters bring their stories to Congress

A group of solar supporters came to Capitol Hill last week to meet with the Congressional Solar Caucus. It was an opportunity to put a face to solar’s incredible growth and potential.  The Congressional Solar Caucus is a bi-partisan group of House Members. It is…

A historic announcement to help more families go solar

The sun shines everywhere, but not everyone can benefit from solar energy, yet. Solar United Neighbors is thrilled by today’s announcement of $7 billion in federal funding for a program called “Solar for All.” This investment will significantly increase the number people that can benefit from solar energy. The Solar…

Florida 2024 Legislative Session Recap

The dust has settled in Tallahassee from a busy legislative session. Solar United Neighbors (SUN) is happy to report that Floridians kept their right to fair credit for the electricity they generate. We tracked other bills related to municipal utility autonomy and electric vehicles. The session ended on…

Florida solar homeowners insurance FAQ

How do I talk to my insurance agent/carrier about adding solar panels to my home? We always encourage homeowners to loop in their agents/carriers while going solar! Your solar system will increase your home’s value, so you may need to increase your coverage amount accordingly. Your carrier may have specific…

How to get a good deal on community solar

The sun shines everywhere, but that doesn’t mean everyone can go solar where they live. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from solar energy, thanks to community solar. Community solar — what is it? Community solar lets you buy or lease a share of a solar array. You earn…

Victoria: ¡El programa de Medición Neta ahora está protegido en Puerto Rico hasta el 2030!

¡Gracias a nuestros miembros y colaboradores, este pasado enero celebramos una gran victoria con la aprobación del proyecto P.S. 1064! El mismo extenderá el programa de medición neta hasta el 2030 en Puerto Rico. Sobre 650 de nuestros miembros respondieron al llamado para tomar acción, enviándole un correo electrónico al…

Rural Manufacturer Expands Competitive Capacity with Renewable Energy Grant

It is not a stretch to say that Adam Schaller, a hardworking business owner who operates Lakeshore Die Cast with his dad, is somewhat of a trendsetter in southwest Michigan’s quaint Village of Baroda. What began for Schaller a few years ago with a desire to mitigate a tax burden…

West Virginia team grows to help more Mountaineers go solar

I’m Cory Chase, and I joined Solar United Neighbors of West Virginia as the new Program Associate in late 2023. In this role, I’ll be implementing solar programs across the state. I work on building partnerships, organizing events and projects, and providing assistance to those interested in going solar. I…