Make a difference in West Virginia's solar rights.
Make a difference in West Virginia's solar rights.

Solar Advocacy: Advocate for community solar in West Virginia!

What is happening

Community solar lets individuals, businesses, or organizations buy or subscribe to a “share” in a community solar project. It’s perfect for folks who can’t – or prefer not to – install panels on their own roof. When you join a community solar project, you receive a credit on your electric bill each month. The size of your share determines how much credit you receive.

West Virginians can’t participate in community solar until our lawmakers allow it. A recent poll indicated that 69% of West Virginians support community solar.

A report by the coalition West Virginians for Energy Freedom details how community solar would kick open the doors to new markets for solar. Enabling community solar programs here would:

Read the community solar fact sheet!

Energy freedom is within our reach!

We have the opportunity to get more access to the sun. Enabling Community Solar in West Virginia will expand solar access to low- and moderate-income households.

Contact your legislators. Urge them to support community solar in WV!

Contact your legislators